week 1 down

I think Sweetness caught on yesterday that the bottle was her only daytime option. At her 2 feeds she ate 3.5 and then 4 oz. I still need to look up and see how much she should be getting but at this point any increase is progress in the right direction. And I have decided that there is some consistency to her inconsistency…she has 1 great night followed by 1 horrific night. That’s the pattern. We do the same exact bedtime routine at roughly the same time but it doesn’t seem to matter. The only thing I have noticed is that the closer to 7:30 she goes to sleep, the better the night is. Last night was 8:20. We did start the bedtime routine around 7 but she decided to go back for seconds and thirds at the all you can eat boob buffet.

So thanks for your help and advice. And I know this is all to be expected and it’ll get easier for me. (she’s doing just fine). Yesterday was the first time she’s had a ‘first’ without me and it kinda sucked. But I did ok, and was just as excited when I saw it later on that night. And as an aside this is a first that could greatly help our sleep…she took her pacifier out and put it back in her mouth all on her own!! Now if only she could manage that hand-mouth coordination at 2 AM!!

January 9, 2009. Uncategorized.


  1. Bean replied:

    Congratulations on making it through the first week — no small feat! And great news that she did better with the bottle. And I’ll call you about the snoogle! πŸ˜‰

  2. Jen replied:

    Hooray! I’m glad she’s figuring it out. I vote that you don’t even look up how much she needs to eat. She’ll figure it out for herself and you don’t need to stress about it until she does. When I taught in daycare, we didn’t mention any firsts to the parents. We just let them do it again at home so that the parents wouldn’t miss the firsts.

  3. Carrie replied:

    Hi Meghan! Thank you so much for the Secret Santa gift but I have sad news to report: The candle holders were delivered in about a hundred pieces 😦 I was very sad because they looked really pretty!One good thing though… your gift brought to my attention that I need to make sure JJ has my new address! We moved to Ohio in May so your package had a stop at my old house first. Luckily, we befriended the people who bought our house, so she let me know I had a package that seemed to contain something broken inside and forwarded it to me.πŸ™‚ Carriehttp://welayinrepose.livejournal.com

  4. Deborah replied:

    I’m on my second week back at work, too, and so far I’d say the first week was definitely the hardest. And you’re right, it’s harder on us than the babies. I’ve been blaming every bit of my son’s fussiness on me being gone, but really, sometimes it’s just fussiness. So I’m glad you’re hanging in there and Sweetness is doing better.

  5. docgrumbles replied:

    Hope it continues to go well!

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